President Message

Mr.Somnath Chattterjee
Boys Anglo Bengali Inter College, Lucknow

I am extremely elated to know that Boys’ Anglo Bengali lnter College Sunderbagh, has launched its own official website………..breaking all the taboos of government aided colleges supposed to bear the stigma of technological alienation from such modern and sophisticated educational tools of the day.

Though I had not any direct support with the college till now but it was because of the developmental works being carried out by the fund generated through various cultural and social activities at the prestigious auditoriums of the city that I have frequently been forced to be with the college which has many luminaries on its wagon helping salvage it from being left into oblivion. It was in atete-a-tete meet with Manager Sir of the college Sri Ashish Bhattacharya ji and his clarion call for bestowing my charitable look for the upliftment and betterment of the college building and academic environment that I vehemently accepted his proposal and since then I decided to partake the ‘yajna’ that is being performed by the Committee of Management, teachers, staff and many other generous persons engaged in this mission.

Though it has not been very long for me to join as president of the Management Committeedespite that I had assured the staff and Committee of Management at the time of my oath that I would always be at the door of the college and I have been fulfilling that pledge. I firmly believe in the dictum‘Actions speak louder than words’and I have been doing that.Finally, with great expectations, I wish that therecently launched college website……………..will be helpful In imparting factual,informativeand motivational learning to those who seek this pursuit.

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