
  1. Every child is required to be present in the college and attend his/her classes on the first three days in the month of April and July failing which his/her name will be struck off the roll.
  2. The name of the child is struck of the rolls if he/she remains absent for a period of 10 days continuously. The official fee will be charged for the re-admission.
  3. In case a child is sick, he/she must produce the Medical Certificate along with the application.
  4. The undersigned reserves the right to keep the failures in the institution.
  5. The newly admitted students are required to produce the mark-sheet of the previous class, the proof of date of birth and the caste at the time of Test/Interview. Once the child is selected for admission. The Transfer Certificate must be produced within a week from the date of admission.
  6. Every child must bring the college dairy daily and note down the instructions given by the Class Teacher/Subject Teachers.
  7. No. students will be allowed entry to the college without proper uniform of the day.
  8. Every child must adhere strictly to the College Academic Calendar.
  9. A child must study sincerely and take all the monthly tests and terminal examinations. He / She must get the copies checked regularly and also see that the copies are also properly inspected.
  10. 75% attendance is compulsory for promotion to next higher class or appearing at the Board’s Examination.
  11. A child is liable for expulsion from the college if he / she passes wrong information of the college to the parents / guardians.
  12. A child will also be expelled from the college if he / she involves himself / herself in the acts of gross indiscipline, moral turpitude or any others immoral acts.
  13. Parents / Guardians are requested to keep in touch with undersigned, Class Teacher / Subject Teachers at least once in every month and attend the Parents-Teachers Meeting as mentioned in the College Calendar in the larger interest of their ward(s).
  14. Parents / Guardians are requested to remain vigilant towards the progress and routine affairs of their ward(s). The complaint of the child regarding his performance in the school or his / her unnecessary stay in the school must be brought to the notice of the undersigned immediately.

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